President ADR-Vlaanderen and President The Open Network
Jozef holds a professional bachelor’s degree diploma as clinical lab technician from the Rega University College of the KU Leuven. Afterwards he obtained a teaching diploma.
He specialized in immunology, fundamentals of biology and genetic engineering.
He started to work at the KU Leuven in 1970 as lab technician in the lab of Virology at the Rega Institute. Afterwards he joined the lab of Immune Pathology till 1995. He joined the Laboratory of Experimental Transplantation at the KU Leuven, where he held the position of lab coordinator.
From 1998-2007, he was co-developer and lab manager of the spin-off 4AZA Bioscience, a drug discovery company. From 2007-2019 he was co-founder and administrator of IVAP (Interface Valorisation Platform) at the KU Leuven. IVAP aims to bridge the gap from biotech and pharmaceutical industry to academic research laboratories and clinical groups at KU Leuven and UZ Leuven. Jozef is co-author of about 30 scientific publications and participated in about 30 scientific congresses worldwide as co-author as well as participant.
Jozef has an impressive record in social volunteer activities. He was involved in many activities in Belgium. Regarding his activities in Romania:
1990-now: Co-founder and chairman of the association “Romania Committee Geel”.
1999-now: Co-founder, president and administrator FDAAM (National Mutualist Foundation in Romania).
1999-now: Co-founder and manager of ADAM Slatina-Timis (local mutualist organization in Slatina-Timis).
2000-now: Co-founder and vice-chairman of SOMEPRO (Support Center for Eastern and Central Europe Projects).
2002: Co-founder of ADAM Cluj (local mutualist organization in Cluj).
2004-now: Co-founder and board member of ADAM Berbesti (local mutualist organization in Berbesti).
2005-now: Co-founder and board member of the renewed ADR Flanders (Action Villages Romania-Flanders). Umbrella organization of organizations and associations working in Romania, Chairman since April 2005.
2006-now: Co-founder of ADAM Moldovita (local mutualist organization in Moldovita).
2012-now: Co-founder and chairman of The Open Network for community development, Romania.
2014-now: Honorary board member Federation CARP-OMENIA foundation Romania.
2018-now: Member Advisory Board BEROCC. 2018: Belgian decoration “Commander in the Order of Leopold II” for the work in Romania.