On 18 June, 2024, WIN Gallery organized the second edition of “Art & Business: WIN-WIN”, an event supported by seven bilateral chambers of commerce – ASEMER (Asociación de Empresas Españolas en Rumanía), BEROCC (Belgian, Luxembourg Romanian, Moldovan Chamber of Commerce), BCCBR (Bilateral Chamber of Commerce Bulgaria Romania), CBEX (Canadian Business Exchange Association), NRCC (Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce), CCIPR (Camera di Commercio Italiana per la Romania), HRCC (Hellenic Romanian Bilateral Chamber of Commerce) – and PRIA Events. The common objective of these partners is to promote intercultural relations that add value on the personal and social level.
In this context, the team of WIN Gallery together with exhibition curator, Mrs. Marinela Măntescu-Isac proposed a retrospective exhibition of the artist Horia M. Rosca. In his works, which span over the course of three decades, Horia Rosca explores “detail” as the fundamental tool for understanding the individual and his circumstances and for creating harmonies between communities and cultures. Born in Romania and residing in Germany, Roșca experienced first-hand the transition from one set of norms to another.
The selection of works allows the viewer to familiarize himself with Rosca’s broad repertoire of themes and modes of plastic expression, while bringing to the forefront some of his sources of inspiration and predecessors that influence his style and artistic pursuits. The -isms echoed in his paintings (Cubism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Constructivism, Fauvism) serve as sets of alternative lenses, suitable for analyzing layered components of reality, fantasy and consciousness.
In the following months, WIN Gallery will continue its series of interdisciplinary presentations and encounters, bringing together people of noble intellect and high professional aspirations to stimulate the creation, preservation and acquisition of art that stands the test of time and remains relevant beyond its place of origin.
The gallery is open to the public, Monday through Friday, from 10:00 – 19:00, based on prior reservation, which can be easily made by contacting us at contact@wingallery.ro.
For more information about WIN Gallery, upcoming exhibitions and cultural events, please contact us at contact@wingallery.ro.