Tax changes from 1st January 2025

In the Official Gazette of Romania no. 1334/31.12.2024, GEO no. 156/2024 was published regarding some fiscal-budgetary measures in the field of public expenditure for the substantiation of the general consolidated budget for 2025, for the amendment and completion of some normative acts, as well as for the extension of some deadlines.

The most important tax changes are:

Dividend tax

  • The dividend tax rate was increased from 8% to 10% for dividends distributed after 1st January 2025. The measure applies to dividends distributed to all categories of beneficiaries.

Microenterprise Income Tax

  • For the application of the microenterprise income tax, starting with the fiscal year 2025:
  • the income ceiling for a Romanian legal entity was reduced from 500,000 euros to 250,000 euros, including during the fiscal year, and starting with 1st January 2026 to 100,000 euros;
  • the condition of generating income from consultancy and management, in a proportion of 80%, used for classification in the microenterprise category, was eliminated.

Salary taxes

  • Tax incentives granted to individuals who earn income from salaries and assimilated to salaries, as a result of carrying out the activity of creating computer programs or from employers in the construction, agricultural and food industry sectors under the conditions established by the Fiscal Code, starting with income related to January 2025, have been eliminated.

Construction tax

  • The construction tax has been reinstated, payable, for example, by Romanian legal entities.
  • Constructions are those provided for in group 1 “Constructions” of the Catalogue on the classification and normal operating durations of fixed assets.
  • The tax is calculated by applying a rate of 1% on the value of the existing constructions in the taxpayers’ patrimony on December 31 of the previous year, from which the value of the buildings for which building tax is due is deducted.
  • The construction tax is paid in two equal instalments by 30th June 30 and 31st October, respectively, inclusive.
  • Within 90 days, the Ministry of Finance will issue methodological norms regarding the application of the provisions regarding the construction tax.

The amount of 300 lei not subject to salary taxes

  • The measure is maintained according to which, for 300 lei/month representing income from salaries and similar to salaries, no income tax and mandatory social contributions are due, until 31st December 2025, if the following conditions are met:
  • The level of the monthly gross basic salary established according to the individual employment contract, without including bonuses and other additions, is equal to the level of the minimum gross salary guaranteed in the country in payment established by Government decision, in force in the month to which the income relates.
  • The gross income generated from salaries and similar to salaries, without including the value of meal vouchers, vacation vouchers, respectively food allowance, as the case may be, granted based on the same individual employment contract, for the same month, does not exceed the level of 4,300 lei inclusive.