GS Capital Advisory anunta intermedierea cu success a inchirierii unei suprafete de 8.300 mp de catre SELECT FRUITS in cadrul VGP PARK STEFANESTI. Un parteneriat pe termen lung intre VGP si Select Fruits intermediat de catre Gabriel Sfetcu care a oferit atat solutii comerciale cat si tehnice profitabile ambelor parti.
GS Capital Advisory announces the successful intermediation of the lease of an area of 8.300 sq m by SELECT FRUITS within VGP PARK STEFANESTI. A long-term partnership between VGP and Select Fruits mediated by Gabriel Sfetcu who offered both commercial and technical solutions profitable to both parties.
GS Capital Advisory anunta intermedierea cu success a inchirierii unei suprafete de 11.600 mp de catre PET PRODUCT in cadrul CTP PARK BUCHAREST SOUTH II. Un parteneriat pe termen lung intre CTP si Pet Product intermediat de catre Gabriel Sfetcu care a oferit atat solutii comerciale cat si tehnice profitabile ambelor parti.
GS Capital Advisory announces the successful intermediation of the lease of an area of 11,600 sq m by PET PRODUCT within CTP PARK BUCHAREST SOUTH II. A long-term partnership between CTP and Pet Product mediated by Gabriel Sfetcu who offered both commercial and technical solutions profitable to both parties.