Launch of the measure 4.1.1. “Investments in productive activities” within the POC will take place in about two months

Applicant’s guide for the measure 4.1.1. “Investments in productive activities” under the Competitiveness Operational Program Priority Axis 4 – Supporting the mitigation of the effects of the crisis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic is in the process of consolidation at the Ministry of Investment and European Projects and will be published in a final form in one month.

After the final form of the Applicant’s Guide is approved, those interested will have a period of 30 days until the launch of the call to prepare the project for submission.

The objective of the Applicant’s Guide for the measure 4.1.1. “Investing in productive activities” under the Competitiveness Operational Program Priority Axis 4 – Supporting the mitigation of the effects of the crisis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic is the support of SMEs in the economic recovery program with funding from the REACT-EU funding facility, in the context of the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, by granting temporary aid with limited value, to those SMEs that face a deficit or even the unavailability of liquidity in accordance with the EU REACT Regulation.

Support will be given to SMEs that have been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and have not had sufficient resilience to maintain their economic indicators in this difficult context.

The percentage of at least 20% of the project value for the environmental component is set in accordance with the relevant European legislation and aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In order to determine the conditions under which an economic activity contributes to climate change mitigation, the Technical Examination Criteria shall be used in accordance with the provisions of Annex I to the Proposal for a Delegated Commission Regulation (EU) supplementing Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

The budget allocated to the measure is 300 million euros European funds plus 58.3 million euros funds from the state budget.

Funding conditions

1. The financing project is addressed to SMEs, the state aid being granted for grants for investments in productive activities.

2. Types of eligible activities

  • Construction / acquisition / extension of production / service spaces – maximum 50% of the project value (It is not allowed to purchase accommodation facilities under CAEN code 5520, as well as the purchase of offices or other activities for real estate investments);
  • Endowment with tangible, intangible assets.
  • Modernization works can only be considered eligible insofar as they relate to an initial investment.

3. Maximum amount of state aid

The maximum value of the aid (non-reimbursable public financing) is the RON equivalent of the amount of 1,000,000 euros, at the info euro exchange rate in September 2021.

4. Duration of project implementation

The duration of the project is a maximum of 24 months without exceeding December 31, 2023.

5. Scope

The following sectors will not be supported:

– activities related to the manufacture of alcohol, tobacco, weapons;

– gambling and betting activities.

The following sectors will be supported:

– Class C – Manufacturing (without codes 11 manufacture of beverages, 12 manufacture of tobacco, and 254 manufacture of armaments and ammunition);

– Class F – Constructions;

– Class G – Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles;

– Class H – Transport and storage;

– Class I – Hotels and restaurants;

– Class M – Professional, scientific and technical activities;

– Class N – Administrative and support service activities;

– Class P– Education;

– Class Q – Health and social assistance;

– Class R – Entertainment, cultural and recreational activities;

– Class S – Other service activities.

6. Eligible expenses

The following types of expenditure are eligible under this call for projects:

a. Expenses for landscaping

b. Expenses for ensuring the utilities necessary for the objective

c. Design and technical assistance costs

d. Expenses for basic investment (Constructions and installations, machinery, technological and functional equipment with and without assembly, endowments, Intangible assets (patents, licenses, trademarks, computer programs, etc.)

7. The intensity of public funding in terms of productive investments is:

– 95% non-reimbursable funds for micro-enterprises (5% own contribution);

– 90% for small enterprises (10% own contribution);

– 85% for medium entitlements (15% own contribution).

8. The minimum value of the non-reimbursable financing is 50,000 euros, and the maximum value is 1,000,000 euros.

Interested to apply? Send an email to