Amendments to the RO e-Transport System

In the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 1124/11.11.2024, it was published
the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 129/2024
for amendment of GEO
no. 41/2022 for the establishment of the National System for the monitoring of road transport of goods RO e-Transport (“GEO 129/2024”).

GEO 129/2024 entered into force on 11 November 2024, with certain exceptions.

This newsletter presents the amendments to the RO e-Transport system introduced by GEO 129/2024.

Change of UIT code

  • 5 calendar days in case of road transport on national territory of goods with high fiscal risk, respectively 15 calendar days in the case of intra-community acquisitions of goods, as well as in the case of other commercial operations, starting with the date declared for the start of the transport. The use by the road transport operator of the ITU code beyond its validity period is prohibited.


For these contraventions, a fine of 10,000 lei – 50,000 lei is applied for individuals or 20,000 lei – 100,000 lei for legal entities (whose level has not been modified).

  • the first sanctioning of the act, the economic operator commits a second contravention, the respective fine shall be applied, as well as the confiscation of 15% of the value of the undeclared goods.
  • a third contravention, the respective fine shall be applied, as well as the confiscation of 50% of the value of the undeclared goods.
  • of the fourth contravention, the respective fine shall be applied, as well as the confiscation of 100% of the value of the undeclared goods.

In this case too, the measure of confiscation of the value of the declared goods is applied depending on the number of the sanction.

  • the complementary sanction of confiscation does not apply to findings resulting from checks subsequent to the conclusion of the road transport of goods, when these were recorded in the supporting documents underlying the accounting records, as well as in the users’ accounting, as the case may be, in the period to which the respective operations refer.

The electronic register of centralized records of applied sanctions is introduced

  • To apply the sanctions mentioned above, the National Center for Financial Intelligence makes available to authorized persons within ANAF, the Romanian Customs Authority (ANV), as well as to officers and police agents within the Romanian Police, an electronic register of centralized records of applied sanctions.
  • The procedure by which the said persons access the electronic register is established by joint order of ANAF, ANV and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • This order is issued within 30 days from the date of entry into force of

GEO 129/2024.

Transitional provisions

  • It is suspended until 31st March 2025 the application of the misdemeanour fine (mentioned above) for failure by the transport operator to comply with the following obligations:
  • transfer of current positioning data of the transport vehicle, which are
    the subject of the declaration, throughout the transport route of the goods that are the subject of monitoring through the RO e-Transport;
  • equipping transport vehicles with telecommunications terminal devices that use satellite positioning and data transmission technologies;
  • making available to the driver the UIT code received from users.


For more details related to the subjects in question, I recommend that you consult
the text of the regulatory act in question.