A_BEST Kids & Teens Division: New Dynamic Courses for Middle-school and High-school Students

Every parent knows how important it is to constantly enhance their child’s creative potential, especially during the essential stages of his development. “For almost 15 years we’ve provided foreign language courses for various age groups, including children and teenagers. Studying foreign languages is one of the most attractive and useful ways for children and teens to improve their skills. However, upon request, we’ve decided to extend the range of educational services of our A_BEST Kids & Teens Division, aiming at core exam subjects, either for the National Evaluation, Baccalaureate or even faculty admission exams. We would like to offer middle-school and high-school students self-confidence when it comes to Romanian Language and Literature or Mathematics, for example” stated Aura Icodin, founder and CEO – A_BEST.

Through our A_BEST Kids & Teens project, we provide, upon request, the following online preparation courses, either individual/in pairs/groups, according to a commonly agreed schedule:

  • Romanian Language and Literature preparation courses;
  • Mathematics preparation courses;
  • Computer science courses;
  • Foreign language courses (English / French / German / Italian / Spanish / Portuguese / Russian / Chinese / Greek).

Every A_BEST course, regardless of subject, is based on a dynamic teaching method, connected to the “reality” of students living in the era of technology. “Our children’s time is extremely valuable. Fifth grade, for instance, is never coming back. If you lose track of contents it’s difficult to catch up. Thus, we will make sure our preparation courses, both for middle-school and high-school students, are adapted to their learning needs, so that the didactic process is thoroughly effective. We will deploy all the expertise our A_BEST team has acquired over the last 15 years!” highlighted Aura Icodin.

Structure, organization, costs – for preparation courses for Romanian Language and Literature, Mathematics, Computer Science and foreign language courses for middle-school and high-school students.

  • Calendar: commonly agreed with students, according to the trainer’s schedule and availability of virtual meeting rooms.
  • Course format: online, on ZOOM (with the aid of a devoted trainer, who will guide students and create an authentic learning experience for them).
  • Schedule: Commonly agreed schedule, between 8:00 – 20:00, Monday to Friday or Saturday, between 9:00 – 15:00, 2 didactic hours per session (100-minute class), once / twice / three times a week, including Saturdays.
  • Structure: minimum 10 classes (the standard recommended module has 21 classes); one class = 100 minutes (2 didactic hours).

For middle-school students, we will constantly have mock exams for the National Evaluation, especially for Romanian Language and Literature and Mathematics, to get students used with their structure and requirements, to identify potential deficiencies and tackle them on time.

Moreover, for English, French and German, we can provide, upon request, preparation courses for any type of international exam (Cambridge, DELF junior, Goethe-Zertifikat etc).

Further details: https://abest.ro/cursuri-limbi-straine-copii/


Quick sign up: 0762.274.914 / office@abest.ro

About Aura Icodin, founder and CEO A_BEST

Having more than 15 years of managerial experience in the field of education and over 20 years dedicated to studying and teaching foreign languages in both public and private institutions, Aura Icodin’s career can be summed up in two key-words: education and entrepreneurship.

Graduate of the Faculty of Letters from the University of Bucharest, Aura holds two master’s degrees, one in Applied Linguistics – didactic profile, from the same institution and one in Educational Management, from the National University of Political Science and Public Administration. Aura is also co-author of various English and French coursebooks and speaking examiner for the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry – English for Business exam.

In 2008, Aura took on the entrepreneurship path, with the aim of providing high-quality services in the education field. This is how Aura laid the foundation of A_BEST Foreign Language Center (https://abest.ro/), which is currently one of the leading independent centers for learning foreign languages by Romanians and expats.