The Romanian Whistleblowing Law: Challenges & Compliance Risks

ZOOM Webinar, 31 January 2022 from 11:00 AM

The Romanian Whistleblowing Law has entered into force on the 22nd of December 2022. Law no. 361/ 2022 on the protection of public interest whistleblowers (the “Whistleblowing Law”) was published in the Official Gazette of Romania on the 19th of December 2022 and has entered into force on the 22nd of December 2022, when appropriate internal reporting channels and whistleblowing guidelines became mandatory for private companies employing 250 or more employees.

Join the webinar organised by NOERR in partnership with BEROCC to find out about the challenges and compliance risks that your company faces.

Speaker: Oana Piticaș, Coordinator White Collar Crime