International Reboot Room: how to make my international business model more crisis proof?

Sharing international and Belgian best practices during a virtual round table discussion in cooperation with the Belgian-Luxembourg Chambers of Commerce Abroad.

Objectives of this event thanks to the input of foreign companies: 

  • Sharing concrete tips, tools, examples and advice on how to (quickly) transform your business model by means of, for example, digitization, new technology, determining new target groups, new sales markets, new sourcing markets, new international partnerships, product requirements of services and vice versa,… 
  • Focus is on the HOW and not the WHAT! 
  • Leading by example to other companies that don’t know how to start their (international) transformation
  • Creating awareness among Flemish companies to start to export 
  • Encouraging Flemish companies to expand their business abroad
  • Disseminating positive international success stories to turn around the present damaged export climate
  • Stimulating internationalisation instead of protectionism


  • 10h00: Welcome and moderation by Petra Van Bouwelen, International Business Development Manager, Voka – Mechelen-Kempen 
  • 10h10: Virtual table round ‘who’s who’
  • 10h30: First round: foreign cases are being explained preceded by a short state of play on the economic climate and Covid-19 situation in the country (max 3 cases per country – 15 min in total)
    • 10h30: France
    • 10h45: UK & Ireland
    • 11h00: Romania
    • 11h15: China
  • 11h30: Second round
    • the audience gets the floor to go into debate and ask their questions, express their 
    • concerns or give their ideas / suggestions
  • 12.00: Closing of the virtual round table by Voka

Target group

Flemish companies that want to gain inspiration from foreign companies about how they have made their company more crisis-proof.

Practical info