Companies face new challenges at the beginning of 2025, as a result of the newlegislative changes announced, which determine important effects in the taxfield. TaxEU Forum, the event where themost recent fiscal law changesareanalysed, returns with a new edition in 2025, which will take place on February13-14, at the JW Marriott Hotel, in Bucharest. The tax specialiststaking partwillreceive,in a conference and 8 applied seminars, a complete package of updatedinformation and will learn what solutions guarantee compliance with thenewlegislation,given thedynamicRomanianfiscal environment.The TaxEU Forum Bucharest conference will bring together, on February 13,reputable tax experts topresent the recently adopted changes and explainconcretely their effects inthe currenteconomic context.During the4 sessionsfull of content, speakers will offer an overview of the new fiscal regulations, butalso solutions to adapt to the problemsencountered, to reduce the impactgenerated by them.Participants will have the opportunity to explorenewfiscal measures, updatetheir knowledge set and discoverbestpractices, together with the besttaxexpertsin Romania.On February 14, on the second day of the event,theseminarswill take place,inwhich participants can deepen the topics of the moment in taxation, throughexamples and case-studies. The 8 seminars, supported by the biggestconsultingcompanies on the market, are specially designedto answer all the questionsrelated to the application of the new tax rules.
TaxEU Forum Bucharest bringsevery year to the stageprofessionals withoutstanding activity and relevant experience. Some of the speakers whowillcome to this edition’s microphoneare:Alex Milcev(Partner,Leader of the Fiscal and Legal AssistanceDepartment, EYRomaniaandMoldova)Angela Rosca(Managing Partner, Taxhouse-Taxand Romania)Gabriel Biris(Co-Managing Partner, Biris Goran SPARL)Ruxandra Tarlescu(Tax, Legal & People Partener, PwC Romania)Dan Manolescu(President,Chamber of Fiscal Consultants, Tax Partner–Soter & Partners)Mihaela Mitroi(Managing Partner, GTAGroup)
Anca Grigorescu(Partner,bpv Grigorescu Stefanica)Dan Schwartz(ManagingPartner, RSMRomania)Bianca Vlad(Partner, Tax, Forvis Mazars in Romania)Mariana Vizoli(Independent Tax Consultant)Dan Barascu(Headof Tax, Partener, BDORomania)Miruna Enache(Partner,Leader of the Fiscal Assistance in TransactionsDepartment, EYRomaniaandMoldova, EY CESA Tax Markets Leader)Daniela Zar(Partner | FCCA|Fiscal Consultant | TPARomania)Mitel Spataru(Tax Partner, Crowe Romania)Theodor Artenie(Tax Advisor, Counsel, Kinstellar Tax & Finance)Alina Andrei(Partner, Cabot Transfer Pricing in Cooperation with BirisGoran)Ciprian Paun(Partner and Coordinator, NNDKP Cluj-Napoca)Av. Dr. Luisiana Dobrinescu(Coordinating Lawyer, Dobrinescu Dobrev)Moreover, thenumerousbreaksduringthe event represent a unique opportunityto socialize with tax specialists from companies, economists, accountingprofessionals, financial or economic directors, tax consultants or auditorspresent, in a relaxed setting and a five-star atmosphere.Participation in the eventwill bepossible exclusivelyin-person,at thelocation inJW Marriott Hotel in Bucharest.To keep up to date with thelatestnews about the agenda and the speakersconfirmed forthe new edition of TaxEU Forum Bucharest, we invite you tofollowthe official Facebook page,specially created event,as well astheLinkedIn page.TaxEUForumBucharesEvensysis an event planning company with over 18 years of experience inorganizing business events. Evensys specializes exclusively in the development ofits own conferences and seminars, covering seven areas of activity: Marketing &Communication, Internet & New Media, Financial & Investments, HR, RealEstate, Production and Retail. The organized events deal with current topics,which concern both the local business industry and that of Central and South-Eastern Europe.