Craiova Belgian Business Day
Hotel Ramada, Craiova

14 June 2023, Craiova

We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming CRAIOVA BELGIAN BUSINESS DAY from 14 June 2023. This one-day business event features a variety of exciting activities designed to foster collaboration, build new relationships, and grow your business.

The event will kick off with a visit to FORD – OTOSAN factory providing you with a unique behind-the-scenes look at one of the biggest businesses in the region, followed by a B2B Meetings Marathon, where you will have the opportunity to connect with other like-minded companies and explore new business opportunities.

Finally, the day will wrap up with a Networking Dinner where you can enjoy delicious refreshments and drinks while connecting with your peers and expanding your professional network.

We believe this event presents a great opportunity for your company to meet new partners in Craiova region, establish new relationships, and create long-lasting business connections.

Access to activities:

  1. Visit FORD-OTOSAN – Free access

2. B2B Meetings Marathon:

  • 100 EUR/person – Members
  • 150 EUR/person – Non-Members

3. Networking Drink:

  • 60 EUR/person – Members
  • 100 EUR/person – Non-Members

All day access: B2B + Networking Drink:

  • Members – 120 EUR/ person
  • Non-Members – 200 EUR/ person

We are confident that you will find this event informative and enjoyable, and we look forward to welcoming you on the day.