Updates on computation of fines and leniency and immunity from fines introduced by recent amendments to Romanian Competition Law

Government Emergency Ordinance no. 108/2023 amending and supplementing Competition Law no. 21/1996 (“Competition Law”), as well as other normative acts (“GEO 108/2023”), was published in the Official Gazette on December 6, 2023 with certain provisions entering into force within 30 days after the publication.

PETERKA & PARTNERS Romania would like to bring into your attention this important legislative update, through which Romania has completed the transposition process of the European Directive 2019/1 and aligns with the policy of empowering its competition authority to be a more effective enforcer and to ensure the proper functioning of the internal market.

The main amendments brought to the Romanian Competition Law, together with valuable insights envisaging the business climate onto this market are briefly presented by the Romanian team of PETERKA & PARTNERS and available to be read at this link<https://blog.peterkapartners.com/romanian-competition-law-updates-on-computation-of-fines-and-leniency-and-immunity-from-fines/> .