NTC-school Bucharest – Dutch Language and culture school Bucharest.

Dutch/Belgian children temporarily living overseas with their parents want to make the smoothest possible transition into the education system on their return to the Netherlands or Belgium.
Dutch/Belgian parents who decide to live abroad for a brief or extended period usually take their children with them.
Many parents would like their children to receive a Dutch/Belgian education during this time abroad.
There are currently more than 180 Dutch schools and educational facilities worldwide.

Teaching of Dutch language and culture ( 120 hours in a schoolyear)

Nowadays parents more frequently opt for Dutch language and culture classes instead of a full Dutch primary school curriculum.
These lessons, often both primary and secondary education, are meant for Dutch/Belgian children attending a local or international education program.
By attending these Dutch classes, children will be prevented from falling behind in their native language when returning to the Netherlands or Belgium. The school policy plans also provide guidance here.
The school policy plan for children of 4 – 12 years old is attuned to the main aims of primary education as much as possible.
More information on leanring Dutch for children in Romania?

Contact Meester Jan : jan.struys@gmail.com
