A new legal and institutional framework, meant to expedite and simplify the licensing procedures (for obtaining licenses / authorizations / agreements / permits), required for carrying out an industrial activity in Romania, was set up by the newly adopted GEO no. 140 of October 19, 2022.
The normative act also provides for the setup and organization of the Office for Industrial Licensing, intended to streamline, simplify, and digitalize the procedure for licensing industrial activities in Romania.
The law defines the unique industrial license as the unilateral administrative act under which a Romanian or foreign legal or natural person is granted permission by an authority to perform one or several industrial activities. The list of the underlying documents for obtaining an industrial license is provided for under the law and it may vary depending on the scope of business of the applicant.
The GEO no. 140/2022 enshrines the use of “one time” principle, according to which, during the application procedure, the applicant for an industrial license will only be required once data and information, by the competent authorities. 38 institutions are aimed at by this reform which is the largest reform ever instituted benefitting companies.
The provisions of this GEO apply to the environmental permit, water management permit and building permit starting with January 1st, 2025.
Read here the full article : https://www.gruiadufaut.com/en/posts/industrial-licensing-a-step-forward-in-simplifying-administrative-procedures