Government Emergency Ordinance no. 36/2022 establishes new social protection measures for employees, in the context of the conflict in Ukraine and of the international sanctions adopted against the Russian Federation and Belarus. Thus, Romanian companies whose activity is affected by the war and/or international sanctions and are obliged to send employees to technical unemployment, may benefit under certain conditions from the facility of reimbursement by the state of indemnities for technical unemployment. The concrete ways of implementing the GEO were specified by Order no. 705/2022, published, and entered into force on April 27, 2022.
From the date of entry into force of GEO and until December 31, 2022, the measure of reimbursement of the technical unemployment indemnity is applied in case of suspension of the employment contracts of the employees due to the temporary interruption or reduction of the activity based on art. 52 (1) lit.c) of the Labor Code.
In order to receive state payment of technical unemployment indemnity, a company must meet several conditions and follow a special procedure.
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