Scoala Babel was created in 2016 by Parents in Dialogue Association, a civic group of parents and teachers in Timisoara. We gathered around the idea of forming a democratic learning community where the values of respect, collaboration, creativity and empathy would come alive in the process of education for all the people involved: children, parents, teachers.
A lot of the organizational philosophy of the school is inspired by the work of the Belgian thinker Frederic Laloux and his famous book Reinventing Organisations. The pedagogy we use to guide us in our innovative approach to the Romanian curriculum is Experiential Education (Ervaringsgericht Onderwijs). This pedagogy was defined and researched by prof.dr. Ferre Laevers at the University of Leuven and is currently inspiring the change in education at European and international level in many countries.
At the same time, we are part of the European Nonviolent Communication in Education Network, a forum where we learn together with other European schools how to live and learn in a democratic, respectful and collaborative environment. For the past three years, we have organized in Timisoara the international conference SEED (European Week of Democratic Education), where hundreds of Romanian teachers got inspired by the sources of our inspiration: the Belgian pedagogy of Experiential Education and Nonviolent Communication.