Tuca Zbarcea Asociatii : Tax measures in the context of the economic difficulties caused by COVID-19

In the context of the economic and financial difficulties caused by the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Government of Romania adopted the Emergency Ordinance No. 69/2020 for amending and supplementing Law No. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code as well as for implementing certain fiscal measures (“GEO 69/2020“), published in the Official Gazette No. 393/14.04.2020.

Also, the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 33/2020 on certain fiscal measures and the amendment of certain normative acts was implemented through Law No. 54/2020 (“Law 54/2020“), published in the Official Gazette No. 396/15.05.2020.

Relevant highlights:

  • Extension of the deadline for submitting the Single Tax Return for 2019 income and grant of related bonuses;
  • Cancellation of ancillary obligations;
  • Tax facilities for granting incentives/bonuses to employees;
  • Granting certain facilities with respect to the building tax;
  • Granting facilities for the payment of the rent and the tax due for the occupation of the public domain;
  • Bonuses granted to corporate income tax payers and microenterprise tax payers correspondent to second and third quarters of 2020.

To read the entire legal insight, please download the .pdf attached (English and Romanian).